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Hear the Voices of TERI

The TERI Campus of Life is built on an extraordinary vision:


To change the way the world sees people with special needs by building a bridge to the community.


This idea is unique in the world, and we think long overdue. Our Campus of Life embodies that vision. Although it is still partially under construction, tune into our informative podcasts where executives and representatives from TERI discuss the latest updates and developments regarding our Campus o Life in San Marcos. These podcast episodes provide an in-depth look into the progress we've made and the exciting new features and initiatives we've introduced at our campus. This is an excellent way to stay informed about the ongoing strides we're making to enhance our educational, service and community programs.


July 12, 2024

Host: Living Better San Diego with host Pepper
Guests: Luke Harmon, Performing Arts Artistic and Managing Director, TERI Campus of Life


August 25, 2023

Host: Drew Schlosberg Radio Show
Guests: Cheryl Kilmer, Founder & CEO and Dan DeSaegher, Chief Development Officer


July 24, 2023

Host: Rick Rungaitis, San Marcos Chamber of Commerce
Guests: Matt Parsons, Managing Director of Business Strategy and Laura Harrelson, Event Sales Director


March 9, 2021

Host: Rick Rungaitis, San Marcos Chamber of Commerce
Guests: Cheryl Kilmer


November, 2021

Host: Rebecca Jones, SheEO Lead In
Guests: Cheryl Kilmer

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