We are excited to have been nominated for excellence in these categories: Activities & Entertainment, Food & Beverage, and Services.
We would appreciate your votes to help us get over the finish line and be featured in Coast News' 2024 Best of North County magazine! Check out last year's issue here.
Voting has begun and will end on *Wednesday, March 13th at 5:00 pm. Each person can vote once per day for each subcategory*
To make it easy to find our nominations, please note the following categories and sub-categories under which we have been nominated!
Category 1: Activities & Entertainment
Subcategory: Place to Volunteer – TERI Campus of Life
Category 2: Food & Beverage
Subcategory: Banquet Facility – TERI Campus of Life
Subcategory: Coffee – TERI Common Grounds Café & Coffee Bar
Category 3: Services
Subcategory: Places to Work – TERI Campus of Life
Subcategory: Wedding Venue – TERI Campus of Life
Follow these steps to vote:
Click on the button: Voting Starts Here!
Select the Category(ies) listed above (i.e. Activities & Entertainment)
Select the subcategory(ies) and our businesses then click on Add Vote button.
Once the votes are in the ballot, click the Submit ballot button and your vote is cast!